News Release: Commission Chair initiates complaint into RCMP workplace harassment

Ottawa - 2011-11-16

Ian McPhail, the Interim Chair of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP (Commission) has initiated a complaint and a public interest investigation into the conduct of RCMP members regarding the handling of allegations of harassment within the workplace.

"I am satisfied that, given recent events, there are reasonable grounds for me to conduct a review of RCMP procedures pertaining to workplace harassment," said Mr. McPhail.

The investigation will look into whether RCMP policies and procedures were adhered to and if they are adequate to deal with harassment allegations. The Commission will also assess the thoroughness and impartiality of investigations into allegations of workplace harassment.

The Commission's mandate is remedial in nature, and aims to identify any improvements that could be made, if appropriate, with the goal of satisfying the public's interest in enhancing and maintaining confidence in the national police force.

The Commission is distinct and independent from the RCMP and has jurisdiction over complaints regarding all members of the RCMP.

To view full terms of reference for the chair-initiated complaint and public interest investigation, please visit the Commission's website.

For more information, please contact:

Laura Colella

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