Complaint Form

The Complaint Form along with all other relevant documentation will be shared with the RCMP for investigation pursuant to subsection 45.53(10) of the RCMP Act. Accordingly, a RCMP complaint investigator may contact you to provide a statement.

If you have someone representing you in this matter, please be sure to include their information in the "Representative Authorization" box at the bottom of the form.

The CRCC has the discretion to refuse certain complaints. To learn more, click here.

RCMP Members
  • If you are an RCMP member assisting a member of the public with the filing of their public complaint, please click here.
Complainant Information
Complaint Details

Please select the date that the alleged RCMP misconduct occurred. if the incident took place on multiple dates, please list the most recent date.

Complaints must be filed within one year of the incident date. If you select a date that is more than one year ago, CRCC staff will be in touch to discuss your options.

Please include:

  1. A summary of the incident
  2. The police conduct that you believe was improper
  3. Your involvement in the incident
  4. A description of any loss, damage, distress, danger, or inconvenience that you personally experienced as a result of the conduct
  5. Any steps you have taken to address the concerns so far
  6. Your desired outcome from the complaint process

Please note that there is a maximum 3,500 characters allowed in this description. You will have the opportunity to provide further details during the public complaint process.

We can accept complaints concerning the duty-related conduct of:

  • RCMP Regular Members (i.e. RCMP police officers)
  • RCMP Civilian Members
  • Other person appointed or employed under Part I of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

If you are not sure whether the subject of your complaint fits into one of these categories, CRCC staff will assess your complaint and be in touch.

We want to make sure that everyone has equal access to our services. If you require any special assistance to support you during the public complaint process, please explain briefly in the box below.

Representative Authorization

Complete this section ONLY if you want someone to act as your representative in this matter. Please include in the box below their full name, contact information, and their relationship to you (e.g. lawyer, friend, family member).

Submit Complaint

After successfully submitting this form, you will receive a confirmation number on screen confirming that the CRCC has received your complaint. Please record this number for your records. Once the form is received:

  • CRCC staff will assess your complaint.
  • If additional information is required, we will contact you. If you have provided a telephone number, we may call you during normal business hours.
  • We will send correspondence confirming the next steps in the process. Please monitor your "junk email" or "spam" folder.

Privacy & Disclosure of Personal Information

By submitting a completed complaint form, you are authorizing the Commission to collect your personal information for the purposes related to Parts VI, VII, VII.1 and VII.2 of the RCMP Act. This information is held in personal information bank CRCC PPU 005, and you have a right to access this information in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Completed public complaint forms, along with all other relevant documentation you provide to the Commission, will be forwarded to the RCMP for investigation pursuant to subsection 45.53(10) of the RCMP Act and an RCMP complaint investigator may contact you to provide a statement.


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